Magnifying glasses can be a huge help, but there may be times when they're just not up to the job. Times when they're not strong enough, when it's hard to hold them still, when room lighting is too low or even too bright. The good news is that a lot of these issues can be solved with a different kind of magnifier, a portable or handheld digital magnifier.
So, what's a digital magnifier? Simply put, it's a camera attached to a video screen. The camera takes a video of what you want to see, and the video shows up on the screen. But here's the great part: Because it's digital, the magnifier can enlarge the image on the screen. And not only can it make it bigger, it can also change the image in a lot of ways that make it easier to see. A lot of models are only slightly larger than a cell phone and even look a bit like one. The camera is on one side and the screen on the other. And like a cell phone, they'll have some buttons around the screen that control all the features that make them really useful.
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