There's nothing like sharing a few giggles with a baby or a child, and part of the joy of babysitting is that it gives you countless ways to connect through play no matter your level of vision.
When you're taking care of a little one, playtime is a chance to relax and have fun and you don't need to make special plans or find just the right toy. In fact, playing games that don't involve any toys or equipment is a great way to connect.
Holding the baby on your lap keeps you in contact so you always know they're right there while you make silly faces, tell expressive stories, or play classic games like peekaboo and pad-a-cake.
And playing a game while you hold their face between your hands lets you know when the baby is facing you or turning away, and it even lets you feel their smile.
Ed Haines: Now that you've had a chance to learn a bit with us, we'd like to learn more about you. Your name, email address, how you heard about Hadley and your relationship to vision loss. Learning more will give us a better understanding of how to personalize Hadley just for you. And don't worry, everything you share with us online will be kept safe and secure. Of course, if you prefer to talk through these questions we're just a phone call away at 800-323-4238.
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