Cleaning your bathroom may not be something to look forward to but with a few tips you can tackle the job no matter your level of vision.
First, gather your cleaning products. Place these with cleaning cloths or a sponge in a bucket or caddy. You’ll want to set them in an easy-to-reach spot near the area to be cleaned. This will save you the trouble of searching for your cleaning products every time you clean a new area. If your products look or feel alike, check out our labeling workshops for ideas to help you identify them.
Before you get started, here are a few hints: Rubber gloves protect your hands from chemicals. Safety glasses can protect your eyes from splashes or spray drifts, and rubber-soled shoes prevent slips.
Let’s start with the sink. You want to remove everything from the sink and countertop and put them in an area where they won’t be knocked over.
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