Exploring a new room on your own can be done safely, no matter your level of vision. But it does help to take a step-by-step approach. So, let's give it a try.
The doorway is the most obvious starting point since it's a reference you will have for every new space. Now, using light sweeping motions with your hands, explore the doorway area for light switches and wall hangings. Then turn to the right from the doorway and begin exploring alongside that wall. Place the back of your hand against the wall remembering to keep your fingers relaxed, together and slightly bent.
As you go, make a mental note of each wall using the direction you're facing, like north, south, east and west. Even if you don't know the actual directions, make it up until you do or just use numbers, one, two, three, four or words like front, back, left and right.
(Narrator): Now that you've had a chance to learn a bit with us, we'd like to learn more about you. Your email address, name, how you heard about Hadley, and your relationship to vision loss. Learning more will give us a better understanding of how to personalize Hadley just for you. And don't worry, everything you share with us online will be kept safe and secure. Of course, if you'd prefer to talk through these questions, we are just a phone call away at 800-323-4238.
Taking these few steps saves your preferences so you can continue right where you left off and track your progress every time you log on. Plus it connects you to the Hadley community and helps sustain our funding to keep Hadley free-of-charge. And last but not least, it gives you direct access to the Hadley team. So now is your chance to sign up and join us.