
Magnifiers: What, How, and Where to Buy?

Dome magnifier on a recipe page


A magnifier can be a handy tool; you only need to find the right one for the right job. Here are answers to the 3 most common questions we get about magnifiers:

What magnifier is right for me?

It depends. Room lighting, the task at hand, and cost are factors for deciding. You may even want more than one. The number of options may be quite surprising:

  • Handheld Magnifiers are inexpensive and portable and come in different sizes and strengths. It helps to know the stronger the lens, the less you can view at a time. And there are options for less-steady hands.
  • Digital handheld video magnifiers are also portable and have a camera attached to a video screen. Digital magnifiers will enlarge the image and change the contrast or brightness on the screen.
  • Desktop Digital Magnifiers are larger versions of digital magnifiers. Similar to the handheld version, you can enlarge the image on the screen and adjust the contrast or brightness. These tend to be more expensive and may require additional training and setup.
  • Monoculars, or telescopes, are held up to your eye to magnify what you see at a distance. They are also portable and come in a variety of sizes and strengths.

How do you use magnifiers?

Start with a low vision assessment from a low vision doctor, certified vision rehabilitation therapist (CVRT), or certified low vision therapist (CLVT) who can help you determine which magnifiers work for you.

You can even try before you buy with the Telelowvision program from Eschenbach Optik of America.

Where can I buy magnifiers?

Magnifiers can be purchased from a low vision doctor, local or state agency serving those with low vision, and online in a variety of stores. We’ve linked some of them in the Resources sections in our Magnifiers workshop seriesJust scroll a little below the workshop video to find the Resources.

Did you know?

The camera on your smartphone can also be used as a magnifier. You can use an app on your iPhone or on your Android phone.

Any or all of these magnifiers can make great additions to your reading toolbox. More questions about magnifiers? Call a Hadley specialist at 800-323-4238 or email [email protected].