Doesn’t it feel wonderful to crawl into a freshly made bed? Here are a few tips to make sure you continue to enjoy a neat and tidy, freshly made bed no matter your level of vision.
Now, the simplest way to make your bed in the morning is to just pull the covers up to your head before you even get out of it. Then slide on out and smooth the covers.
And when it’s time to change the sheets, here are a few tips to help the process go as smoothly and easily as possible. In the best of all worlds, your bedroom furniture is arranged so that you can easily work on both sides of the bed.
Now, gather all the things you’ll need and place them on a clean, consistent place near the bed like a chair or another bed.
Next, you’ll need to find the midpoint of the sheets before you remove them. A handy way to do that is to pin a safety pin to the middle of the sheet down at the bottom. You can leave the pin in for washing and folding.
Ed Haines: Now that you've had a chance to learn a bit with us, we'd like to learn more about you. Your name, email address, how you heard about Hadley and your relationship to vision loss. Learning more will give us a better understanding of how to personalize Hadley just for you. And don't worry, everything you share with us online will be kept safe and secure. Of course, if you prefer to talk through these questions we're just a phone call away at 800-323-4238. Taking these few steps saves your preferences so you can continue right where you left off and track your progress every time you logon. Plus it connects you to the Hadley community and helps sustain our funding to keep Hadley free of charge. And last but not least, it gives you direct access to experts like me. Now, where were we?